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“I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Rebekah’s services to anyone. Not only did she help my daughter, but saved my sanity too!”
Rachel Gray

“I’m very happy to say that my husband and I are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our much loved, much longed for babe in a few weeks time. We’re incredibly grateful to Loula for her care, consideration and expertise.”
Kirstie O’Sullivan

“Thank you so much Morella for your wonderful help – for allowing me an opportunity to listen to what my body has to tell me, to be able to release what I don’t need, and to change my beliefs so they will work for me to create a better life.”

I reached out to Morella Lascurain to assist me with some challenging health issues.

Morella is highly qualified and knowledgeable in Mind Body healthcare and her method were very beneficial and helpful to me. I can say with all honesty she changed my life and helped me feel empowered to deal with past and present problems.

As a result of all the work we did I now feel able to deal with most situations that arise today! I am extremely grateful for all the help she provided in such a warm and caring way!

I highly recommend Morella for Mind Body healthcare.

Jenny Edwards

Dear Loula, How can we say thank you enough for enabling us to get pregnant?

We are in no doubt that without your help and support we would still be trying to conceive. We felt reassured and so positive with your holistic and professional approach.

When Sam was born he was alert and looking around just like you said. Even now I feel he is reaching his milestones before he should be. Even our doctor/ GP said the way Sam was alert and ‘talking’ at 6 weeks, he would expect more at 3 months old!

We strongly feel we have given Sam the best possible start to life, thanks to your help.


Sheena has some magical hands. Currently pregnant with my second and had the worst back pain. Her method and her healing hands helped me recover and walk out of her room. Thank you Sheena.

A. Soni

When I first saw Lydia Dorotich I was a bit of a mess. I was anxious and my moods were all over the place. Lydia first helped me get on top of my diet and that made a world of difference, and then through the right herbal treatments and nutrients, I began feeling even better.

Lydia helped me see my health and well-being in a completely different light and I have never looked back. Thanks to the exposure she gave me, natural health is now an absolute passion of mine.

Lydia’s warm approach and kind nature assured me that she genuinely cared about me as a patient and as a person. I even recommended her to a friend who has also had a fantastic turn around in her health due to the treatment she has received.

Sarah. Auckland

I first visited Rebekah Paddy when my daughter, Francesca, was 4 months old. Frankie had apparently been in pain with colic and reflux from about 2-3 weeks of age.

For the first two months of her life she would literally scream all evening from about 6pm until 2am, and we tried every trick in the book to get her to sleep. We visited my GP, who, although sympathetic, suggested that all it would take was time.

We also tried chiropractics and osteopathy, but there still wasn’t a huge improvement. So, after exhausting many other options, I decided to see Rebekah. I came home from the appointment and said to my husband ‘at last someone has listened to me, really listened to me, and promised me that together we could fix it’.

Now, only a month later, Frankie is a different baby. I honestly think that Rebekah was able to pin point some of the bigger problems, and treat them accordingly and effectively I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Rebekah’ s services to anyone. Not only did she help my daughter, but saved my sanity too!

Rachel Gray

Claire Solomon is a fantastic practitioner and helped me immensely with a few issues over the past few years.

Claire is great at making you feel comfortable and working through problems to really pinpoint the causes, then works on the appropriate areas to help you become pain free. I had ongoing dizziness that the treatments got under control and also have painful arthritis in my knee which the acupuncture sessions really helped settle down. I would highly recommend seeing Claire for acupuncture.


I saw Kim Collard at Restore Osteopathy throughout my second pregnancy and I can’t express how much I valued my sessions with her. I felt her sessions contributed to a much more comfortable and successful pregnancy and labour. Kim is incredibly warm and genuine and I look forward to future Osteopathy sessions with her. Thank you so much Kim.


I am so grateful that we had Rebekah Paddy’s guidance over the past few years as we have navigated several health challenges with our kids.

Our son N began life with colic. When we introduced solid food he developed constipation, chronic abdominal pain, and recurrent high fevers of unknown origin. As a new mum I knew that something was wrong and that he was not going to “grow out of it”.

I was impressed by Rebekah’s research informed and expert knowledge of physiology, nutrition, and herbal medicine. She selected specific remedies that provided quick and significant improvements for many of the challenges that we faced. When our lives were ground to a halt with the exhaustion and worry of caring for a sick child, these wins were life changing.

By age 2 N was doing well, however he was having a tough time. I had hyperemesis gravidarum with my 2nd pregnancy, then his sister J was born and we were launched back into the throes of colic. Under Rebekah’s guidance we went through the process of identifying food intolerances for J.

This was very successful. We managed to slowly reduce her abdominal pain, improve her sleep and heal her gut before she started solids. She started solids at 6 months with no problems. We were able to carefully reintroduce all the foods that were causing her so many problems when she was exposed to them in my breast milk.

By this stage N had begun struggling with disrupted sleep, fussy eating, abdominal pain, and fatigue. He had also started to struggle with his concentration and he was having frequent bouts of silly disconnected behaviour. N had lost his confidence to try new things and learn new skills. He was not a well boy.

With the new insight we had gained through managing J’s gut health, we became suspicious that there might be some form of dysbiosis causing the food intolerances and subsequent symptoms for both kids.

We took Rebekah’s advice to do an Organic Acids Test in the hope that we could identify factors that might be contributing to N’s persistent yet changeable symptoms. This highly detailed investigation revealed the specific nature of N’s gut dysbiosis and clearly measured the changes in his physiology that were able to account for a wide range of health concerns. With this information Rebekah was able to prescribe a comprehensive and specific treatment plan.

N has now regained his confidence, concentration, and energy. He sleeps through the night, eats without too much fuss. He no longer struggles with recurrent ear infections, fevers or abdominal pain. I am confident that N’s poor gut health was the primary cause of his health concerns. We have got our boy back and the sense of relief is enormous.


I love Restore Osteopathy. Kim Collard is so lovely and insightful. She really looks into the bigger picture of health needs. I always feel welcome and relaxed and go away feeling much better than when I arrived.


I have been to Kim Collard for both my babies when I was experiencing feeding and sleeping issues. She was amazing and I would highly recommend her to anyone.


Since I’ve been seeing Morella Lascurain my life has changed so much for the better.

As Morella is a trained doctor she has an extra layer of knowledge that is reassuring especially as I have a chronic illness. Through her descriptive guided relaxation journeys she has shone the light into corners of my life and the world at large, that  I didn’t understand were there or why before.

Always  with a sense of humour, that is positive and empowering, I treasure the recordings of some, our sessions.

I find great solace and guidance in replaying these back to myself to reinforce concepts explored discovered / discussed especially in times of need, like if I can’t sleep or I need to reaffirm my pathway.

I’ve now got  a wonderful audio resource to dip into. An excellent teacher I have no hesitation in recommending Morella.


After 18 months of trying to conceive without any luck, a friend recommended Loula George to us.

I have to confess some initial scepticism over the whole natural fertility/naturopath route as I had always been brought up to believe that if there was something wrong medically, then a doctor of medicine was your best course of action to rectify it. We had tried several forms of fertility treatment (including IUI and IVF) without success and so thought, “what have we got to lose?”

After 5 months with Loula, taking her advice on diet, lifestyle and taking recommended natural supplements, we were overjoyed at becoming pregnant and then subsequently finding out it was twins, naturally conceived.

The babies were conceived 2 months before my 44th birthday and my husband Mike is 41. I have to admit that it wasn’t an easy journey with Loula and at times I got very frustrated and disheartened, but she was so patient and understanding.

With the help of natural supplements, herbs and remedies she addressed certain areas for me that she felt needed support. What I was so grateful to her for was her never ending encouragement and reassurances that there was no reason why we couldn’t conceive. She always said “when you conceive” never “if you conceive”.

At the same time as seeing Loula, I was also undergoing acupuncture treatment with Janine Cuff. Mike and I have no doubt that Loula and Janine helped us achieve our absolute dream and a gift of twins and we cannot sing their praises enough.

Clare and Mike Gibbon

I’ve been seeing Sheena for the past 4 months, following visits to other practitioners and undergoing a hysterectomy in an attempt to alleviate lower back pain.  Initially skeptical and unsure of what to expect, I was open to trying anything to relieve the pain. Now, I am a staunch supporter as I genuinely believe her approach has been effective.


Thank you Rebekah Paddy for your dedication to me and my dream of becoming a mother.

Because of the amazing wisdom and expertise you have shown, I’ve reached my goal! I’m just quietly very over the moon. What a gift – to be given this healthy baby girl and to remain so healthy myself.

Your patience and guidance and knowing exactly what to say at the right time has insured my sanity through this very difficult process and I am extremely grateful to you.


I would like to say how wonderful my treatment experiences have been with Claire Solomon. I was a bit nervous to try this out (I had never done acupuncture before) but Claire’s calm and nurturing approaches throughout the treatment process put me at ease and I quickly worked out that I was in safe hands.

I have been back several times now and each time we have tried something new and I have left feeling refreshed and more centered. I would recommend Claire to anyone.


Claire Solomon was a dream to work with throughout my pregnancy. She is warm and inviting and explains everything in detail so you feel supported and well looked after.

The sessions were relaxing and kept aches and pains away so I could move freely and comfortably while growing a small human. I highly recommend Claire!


Dear Rebekah,

It’s been way too long since I touched base, I often think of you and am sending love your way.

You guided me though early days of motherhood and set me and my family up for a healthy, happy life. You held so much space for me and I will be forever grateful, I want you to know that.

You inspired my journey into natural health and 6 years later I am still learning and growing in this space. I recently qualified as a Holistic Health Coach, specialising in Gut Health and this month started my Bachelor’s Degree in Naturopathy❤️.

With thanks, love and health,

Leah Erickson

Being unwell like I was has been the worst experience of my life. I cannot express how much I appreciate Loula George’s continuous support, time, knowledge, energy and generosity.

I feel she has given me my life back, and I would not be as well and happy as I am now without her. Thank you Loula for all you have done for me.


A good friend referred us to Loula George after we had experienced two miscarriages.

My husband and I were very aware that the medical system was really only able to provide extra support after three miscarriages and as we were unwilling to go down that road a third time, we made our appointment with Loula.

Loula’s care, expertise and ‘no stone unturned’ approach was incredible and we immediately embarked on a comprehensive pre-conception care programme. It was due to Loula’s professional rigour in referring us for various diagnostic tests during this time that we discovered I had a genetic imbalance that was more than likely affecting my ability to carry a baby past the first trimester.

Loula immediately put me on a programme to remedy this. I’m very happy to say that my husband and I are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our much loved, much longed for babe in a few weeks time. We’re incredibly grateful to Loula for her care, consideration and expertise – as I’m sure our baby is!

Kirstie O’Sullivan

I am an academic and scientist by nature and personality. I have 3 university degrees and understand RCTs and stats, and their obvious requirement in scientific research and subsequent findings.

My deepest belief however is a bit spiritual-one cannot ignore the history of innate wisdom from the wise women in the tribe. Loula George is one of these people in my world.

Humans have turned to the maternal knowledge and instinct since the beginnings of our existence and we cannot know the influence this has had on our survival as a species.

My personal fertility situation was unique – as they all are. I was aging at 40, my husband was ancient at 54, and he had no available sperm due to chemotaxic drug therapy for his rheumatoid arthritis.

We had a single sperm sample saved – from which I wanted to create our second child. We turned to fertility specialists, imagining an easy outcome due to our previous proven fertility – Hubble had 4 amazing kids already, one daughter with me, conceived with ease.

The nightmare of fertility treatment began. There were serious mishaps and loss, wastage of precious sperm, and huge financial investment, and all the associated stress. 23 months later, and 5 IVF cycles, with much emotional turmoil and heartbreak of loss later, it came down to one last IVF cycle, one last straw of sperm, and one chance.

I turned to Loula. I spent 6 months seeing her. Her compassion, her guidance, her tonics, her wisdom, her experience, her humility, and deep humanity guided me.

All those around me questioned my path. I suspect they thought I had lost my way on the precarious path of mental health through the fertility minefield. In particular my husband, immediate family, and the bank manager probably.

I stuck with my innate beliefs, that humanity and kindness and spirit will triumph , and that scientific research will often reinforce common sense. So I did tonics, toxic cleansing, diet, and supplement therapies. I had a poppy seed flush performed, and after 6 months of guidance from Loula we decided I was ready for my last ever attempt at IVF.

That was 6 yrs ago. My 5 year old boy is the most beautiful thing that could have ever transpired in my own and my husbands life. We are complete, with my amazing daughter and very precious son. I attribute so much of this outcome to Loula, I cannot speak highly enough of her sound, reasoned, measured and compassionate fertility expertise and incredible lifelong dedication.

I have not hesitated to send every woman I have met following a fertility path in her direction. She is blessed with a skill that goes beyond science and paper research and our community can embrace her work with the acknowledgement it truly deserves.

My youngest has a range of complex health issues and we have been taking her to Kim Collard regularly for osteopathic treatment. Kim is always so supportive, helpful and kind. She really listens to what is going on and we have seen such a positive impact that I have also started having treatments too. Would highly recommend!


I had a rough time in my first pregnancy with nausea and vomiting around the clock. I tolerated it for about 5 months before seeing Rebekah Paddy at Mother-Well.

By that stage I was so run down that I had also developed terrible eczema on my face and hands. I only needed to see Rebekah twice. Each appointment was so comprehensive that my symptoms improved dramatically in the first week.

After another month, I had no residual symptoms of nausea, vomiting or the eczema at all. My general health and energy levels had improved dramatically. Simply by addressing my diet / food intolerances and taking some supplements, I felt completely different.

I’m very grateful for such professional care and friendliness.

Annalees Jones

Mother-Well has been a fantastic “one stop shop” providing ongoing healthcare and advice for my entire family.

Rebekah Paddy has been invaluable with specific health problems like kids allergies & bronchiolitis and provided amazing guidance and support pre, during and post pregnancy.

I am currently taking the ‘Lactagogue Brew’ which has made an incredible difference in improving my milk supply to keep up with an extremely greedy 3 month old while I also race around after a 3 and 5yr old! My GP commented the other day that she hadn’t seen any of us for 8 months – which is pretty amazing over winter when you have 3 littlies!

I have nothing but praise for Mother-Well. Keep up the fantastic work.

Cathy Simpson

Sheena was able to work wonders for me over such a short time – I can never quite put to words how grateful I am to her for how much she has been able to help me in repairing my nervous system!

Ute Frerichs is an exceptional practitioner and a well-rounded healer.

Over the years that she has been treating me with homoeopathy and reiki, I have come to fully trust her abilities to identify the right remedy and treat successfully the cause of any issues. She does this at all levels – emotional, mental and physical and ensures all three aspects are addressed.

Ute understands well that physical imbalances are closely connected to our mental and emotional state and that is her main strength as a practitioner, her balanced approach to health.

Ute is a thorough, sincere, compassionate, perceptive, professional, well-grounded and highly principled and experienced practitioner who has the best interest at heart for her patients. I could easily say she is one of the best homeopaths and healers I have come across, and thus highly recommended.

A/Prof. Evangelia Papoutsaki

Dear Loula, our journey into parenthood was mysterious and magical. Arriving into your embrace at a time of uncertainty about how we would do this – this doorway into ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’- was deeply right.

Your rich, grounded, radiant hope in life swept us both into the dance we needed to overcome fears and prepare our minds, bodies and souls – for a baby. She came and the pregnancy was bliss. Our birth was sublime – and our daughter is so radiant and healthy. We know our preconceptual preparation was powerful on all levels.

Thank you again for guiding us and gifting us the knowledge and confidence to be truly ready. Georgia’s health is a fine testament to the potency of your work.
